Supplier FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Information about advertising your business with us

If you are considering advertising your wedding services with us then please take a look at our 'Advertise' page which should have most the information you require, however, we have answered some more detailed questions we are asked most often here. 

If you have any further questions that we have not answered below then please don't hesitate to get in touch we'd love to hear from you.

Questions about our site and listing as a supplier?

Can I add myself as a supplier to French Wedding Suppliers?

Yes it is quick and easy to add your own listing which will then be approved by admin before going live. Please click 'Register Now' to start. 

How do I get in contact with you?

You can get in touch with us at or click to contact us and send us a message direct and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Is your French Wedding Suppliers website mobile and tablet friendly?

Yes, our site is compatible across all platforms. 

How long will the listing remain active on the website as a premium partner?

Your listing will stay live for one year after the initial payment date. After this period there will be a renewal email sent for you to decide whether to wish to remain on the site on an annual basis. Renewal is automatic unless you cancel.  

How long will the listing remain active as a standard listing?

Your listing will stay live for one year after the initial payment date. After this period there will be a renewal email sent for you to decide whether to wish to remain on the site on an annual basis. Renewal is automatic unless you cancel. You can upgrade to a premium listing at any stage during the standard membership term by clicking the 'activate as premium member' on your listing. 

What is the difference between a standard listing and a premium partner? 

There a lot of differences between the standard and premium packages. Please see the plans and pricing page for all the information easily shown on our table. 

How do I pay French Wedding Supplier when I get a booking?

We do not take commission when you get a booking we just take an annual fee to list on the website. 

How much are the add-ons for the 'Featured suppliers' listings and how do I pay for these?

The home page 'Featured suppliers' are 99 Euros per month and the regional 'Featured suppliers' are 29 Euros per month. There are four 'Featured suppliers' on the home page and there are four 'Featured Suppliers' per region. We will invoice you before the listing will go live onto the 'Featured suppliers' section (both home page or regional add-on's) via email and you can pay by bank transfer or Stripe. Your listing will then be added to the relevant section for the time period chosen. The listing will then automatically expire when this period is over and just remain as a standard supplier on the site. 

How do you make it fair that all suppliers are seen on each region/ category?

The 'Featured suppliers' will have top position each month per region. However, the remaining suppliers will automatically shuffle every time the page is refreshed meaning that no one supplier will have prime position over another supplier. If you are a featured supplier you will in fact be listed twice, once at the top and once in amongst the other listings.  

Can I use my business name on my listing and have my contact details?

Yes you may have all your personal details and business information on your listing.This is different to our French Wedding Venues site which are all under alias names.

I have a venue that I would like to list but there is no category for this, can you help?

This is a great question! We have a separate website for wedding venues in France. Please see for more information or please email us on To register for a venue account please click here. For all other suppliers they will be able to list on French Wedding Suppliers. 



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