Virginie Desfontaines Beauty

From €650


Passionate about the world of beauty, I love to enhance people. To make them confident and glowing. My purpose isn't to hide you, but to highlight your features. Often, the little details makes the difference. A subtle and luminous complexion, THE pair of false lashes, the lipstick that will flatter your complexion... I have a tailor-made approach because everyone is different and unique and has to have a makeup that reflects that.

Beauty is first and foremost a moment of well-being and I attach a great importance to that. Your makeup and hair have to please you of course, but I also want you to leave my chair feeling confident, beautiful and relaxed. Sensorials skincare and personnal advices take a great place in my approach of beauty.

I also choose carefully the brands I work with. Charlotte Tilbury, M.A.C Cosmetics or Giorgio Armani are one of my favorites, with that perfect balance between luxury and effectivness.

For more information on the packages provided please do get in touch.


Grand-Est(Alsace, Champagne-Ardenneand Lorraine) Nouvelle-Aquitaine(Aquitaine, Limousin andPoitou-Charentes) Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Occitanie(Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées) Hauts-de-France(Nord-Pas-de-Calaisand Picardie) Normandy(Basse-Normandy andHaute-Normandy) Brittany Centre(Val de Loire) Île-de-France Pays de la Loire Provence-Alpes-Côted’Azur Corsica


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